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The TRAFFIC-LINE Railing System is a versatile modular railing system that is highly adaptable and extremely easy to install. Due to its modular design it is particularly suited for uneven terrains.

  • Easily installed – surface, sub surface fixing & removable options.
  • Meets workplace height regulations.
  • Each section features electrically insulated linkages.
  • Simply adjusts horizontally to any angle above 90 degrees & vertically (gradient) up to 45 degrees.
  • Hot Dip Galvanised steel posts & rails.
  • Post caps & Brackets in cast aluminium.


Secures traffic areas in industrial estates, public roads and squares, safety rails for paths, traffic ways, railways, bus stops, depots, etc.


  • Posts: 60mm Dia. Steel
  • Post Height: 1,000mm
  • Cross rails: 60mm or 48mm Dia. Steel
  • Cross rail lengths: 1,000mm, 1,500mm and 2,000mm
  • Post caps: Aluminium
  • Brackets: Aluminium


  • Hot Dip Galvanised Zinc Grey
  • Hot Dip Galvanised & Powder Coated Red/White or Yellow/Black


  • Other colours available on request
  • Different heights and lengths on request

TRAFFIC-LINE Railing System - URBAN - Variants

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This website is for product information only. Please contact us for partner/distributor details if you wish to purchase.

TRAFFIC-LINE Railing System - URBAN, 60mm dia. Posts

FixtureØ (mm)Height above groundOverall H (mm)FinishColourWeight
for embedding in concrete or insertion in anchor sleeve6010001330hot-dip galvanisedzinc coloured 4.80 191.10.257
601330hot-dip galvanised and coatedred/white 4.80 191.12.087
601330yellow/black 4.80 191.11.064
for embedding in concrete601330hot dip galvanised & coated DB703anthracite 4.50 191.17.5837
for screw anchoring, with base plate601000hot-dip galvanisedzinc coloured 5.80 191.11.788
601000hot-dip galvanised and coatedred/white 5.80 191.10.373
601000yellow/black 5.80 191.11.070
601000hot dip galvanised & coated DB703anthracite 5.30 191.17.5836

TRAFFIC-LINE Railing System - URBAN, Lateral Rails 60mm dia.

Ø (mm)Length (mm)Grid spacing (mm)FinishColourWeight
6010001170 +/- 5hot-dip galvanisedzinc coloured 4.20 191.11.348
6010001170 +/- 5hot-dip galvanised and coatedred/white 4.20 191.12.964
6010001170 +/- 5yellow/black 4.20 191.10.311
6010001170 +/- 5hot dip galvanised & coated DB703anthracite 3.80 191.17.5838
6015001670 +/- 5hot-dip galvanisedzinc coloured 5.90 191.11.891
6015001670 +/- 5hot-dip galvanised and coatedred/white 5.90 191.11.746
6015001670 +/- 5yellow/black 5.90 191.11.722
6015001670 +/- 5hot dip galvanised & coated DB703anthracite 5.70 191.17.5839
6020002170 +/- 5hot-dip galvanisedzinc coloured 7.70 191.13.077
6020002170 +/- 5hot-dip galvanised and coatedred/white 7.70 191.11.603
6020002170 +/- 5yellow/black 7.70 191.10.789
6020002170 +/- 5hot dip galvanised & coated DB703anthracite 7.50 191.17.5840

TRAFFIC-LINE Railing System - URBAN, Lateral Rails 48mm dia.

Ø (mm)Length (mm)Grid spacing (mm)ColourFinishWeight
4810001170 +/- 5zinc colouredhot-dip galvanised 3.60 191.17.798
48red/whitehot-dip galvanised and coated 3.60 191.17.857
48yellow/black 3.60 191.14.802
4815001670 +/- 5zinc colouredhot-dip galvanised 4.90 191.14.415
48red/whitehot-dip galvanised and coated 4.90 191.16.468
48yellow/black 4.90 191.19.929
4820002170 +/- 5zinc colouredhot-dip galvanised 6.30 191.16.639
48red/whitehot-dip galvanised and coated 6.30 191.19.773
48yellow/black 6.30 191.13.934


60mm Ø Barrier Post Ground Socket 1.90 100.10.773
Ground Sleeve - Casting,, 5.50 150.18.049

Do you have questions about TRAFFIC-LINE Railing System - URBAN?

Contact us via telephone (01453 852620) or Send an Email